Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Child Safety


Most people think of their home as a fortress that will keep their children safe and sound. Unfortunately, there are many emergencies that are beyond our control. Just because a child is at home doesn’t necessarily mean they’re safe. That’s why any safety plan has to begin in the home and be discussed with children so you can keep them safe whether you’re there or not.
 Working Families
 As a rule, children shouldn’t be left at home alone. But if you’ve decided your children are old enough to stay home alone, it’s a good idea to walk through a few key safety and security tips, including:
Answering the phone:
  1. Never let the caller know that you are at home by yourself.
  2. Don’t give strangers your address or personal contact information.
  3. Give your child a list of people they can speak to.
  4. Think about installing an answering machine or caller ID unit so that calls can be screened, and tell your child they should only pick up the phone if it’s someone they know and are allowed to speak to.
  5. Keep a list of emergency contact names and numbers near the phone or program them into the phone for faster dialing.
  6. If you have a monitored alarm system, explain how it is to be used in an emergency.
 If Someone Tries To Break In
  1. Call 999 immediately.
  2. Call a neighbor or other nearby contact.
  3. Run through the door at the opposite end of the house and over to a neighbor’s home.
In addition to these tips, it’s wise to find out as much as possible about who your child’s friends are and what activities they’re involved in. Also be aware if your child is having trouble at school or with friends.
It’s also smart to write out a list of things for your child to do to keep them busy—and out of trouble—until you get home. If you’re going to be running late, let them know as soon as possible.
 Stranger Danger
 It’s important that your child clearly understands the difference between a friend and a stranger. Friends are people such as police, teachers or relatives. A stranger is someone they do not know.
Teach your child to say “No” if they are ever approached by a stranger who asks them to go with them or offers them a gift.
f someone ever makes them feel uncomfortable, tell your child they should let a “friend” know about it immediately. Don’t put your child’s name on anything such as their T-shirt, lunch box, school bag or anything else that may be visible and that would let a stranger call them by their name.
 Safety Walk
 A good way to help your child understand the difference between friends and strangers is to take them on a safety walk in your local area. Point out which areas are safe and which are dangerous. And show them where to go if they need help. If it’s possible, introduce them to some “friends” such as police, doctors, trusted storekeepers and your neighbors, and suggest places to go such as a police station or hospital if they ever find themselves in trouble.
Remind your children that it’s important to always try to walk with friends and not wander off without telling anyone where they’re going or when they’ll be back.

Source: ADT - Home Safety Tips

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